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Since inception, ChayraCom
has been singularly focused on building long-term partnerships.

We suffer from hero worship. 


That's why we specialize in the health care, non-profit, tactical and military support sectors including Constitutional rights, providing professional services for the communications function in all its expressions. We address the more routine as well as the more specialized public relations tasks. When necessary, we call upon our alliance with subject matter experts and coordinate strategies for maximum impact. 


Communications, or comms as is known in military lexicon, is critical to achieving your organization's goals. Communications tell your story the way you want it told and leave an accurate, lasting and positive impression—when done right. We help you build goodwill by using a variety of mediums and help you remain responsive and accountable to your stakeholders. Never underestimate the power of the written word or its impact when produced into compelling social media content, marketing collaterals, sizzle reels, broadcast television and the like. 



Mission Focused.

We don't waste time trying to impress you. We prefer to let our success speak to our competencies and work ethic:

• Sector matter expertise

• Resource-rich assets

• Mission success record

• Relentless in learning, growing and shattering the mundane

Founder Sharon Chayra standing in studio with Col. Oliver North and holding his latest book
Sharon Chayra
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Seasoned professional with a passion for service directing an award-winning niche agency. Devoted mother, writer, author, and producer with a wicked sense of humor. Hails from an accomplished military and law enforcement family who found her calling through storytelling and problem-solving. 

ChayraCom VP and young man with arms crossed standing on Nellis AFB flight line with Apache helicopter in background
Iain Abshier
First Officer
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Skill competencies in public affairs, HR/recruitment, EMS, fitness and wellness education. Rural firefighter, firearms enthusiast and gym rat. Unapologetic footware afficionado, Arsenal fan, consumate gentleman. Known to say "get after it" long before Jocko.

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Resource Partners
 Expertise On-Demand

ChayraCom maintains sub-specialty alliances in areas of:

• Entertainment

• Native American Issues

• Mental Health & Fitness

• Self-sufficiency & Preparedness

• Crisiscom

• Technology

• Technical Advisors: Medicine, Tactical Instruction, Military/SO

Mobilized when needed,

as needed. 

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